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Government Of Assam Guwahati Development Department Guwahati Municipal Corporation

Health and Sanitation

Cesspool Service

Guwahati has five cesspool vehicles to collect domestic and toilet waste. Every household have individual septic tanks which collect toilet waste and works in anaerobic condition. GMC runs a prepaid cesspool service to empty septic tanks on demand by citizens.

Online booking and payment system has been introduced. Citizens can book the service and get dates to empty the tanks.

GMC has 8 numbers of cesspool emptiers of various capacity. Collected liquid waste are taken to West Boragaon where there are chambers for storage and treatment.

To book cesspool service: Call 8811007000

Whom to Contact for More Information


Sri Rinku Baishya,

Cesspool, GMC 

Morashali, Near Ulubari Fly over, Guwahati-7

Phn no: +91-9859446813